Banana and chocolate muffins
I often say to people that unschooling is easy, it's just LIFE, and with all of our lives we do unschool except one. Food. So now I've decided to take the plunge. What clocked me over was when I caught myself saying "but that wouldn't work for my kids".
I was instantly reminded of all the people I've heard saying exactly the same thing only about unschooling. It was a light bulb moment for me. Since then I've been going over it in my head quite regularly. I've come to the conclusion that it might work with my kids!
They self regulate bed time, dressing themselves, computer time, TV time ... the only thing we don't unschool is food. I've had the "that wouldn't work for my kids" broken record playing over and over for quite a while now.
Bliss balls with cacao, berries, and coconut
So why do I think it won't work?
Because my son has a damaged gut and he maintains the unhealthy flora with sugar, yeast, and carbohydrate cravings. However he will willingly eat quite a number of healthy foods, fruit, vegetables, yogurt, eggs, and nuts to name a few.
So why do I think it will work?
Because the idea that children are unable to self regulate is not supported by common sense, nor any facet of my son's life.
Why do I want to do it?
Because I believe it will self regulate his eating, and balance his cravings for unhealthy food with healthy food.
So now that I've gotten that off my chest I have to learn more about how it works and do some planning so that we can start soon!
Sugar free berry cheesecake