Stylish wrote the most amazing frog essay! I gave her the basics of essay writing and off she went - she is a very fluent writer! I will get her to write another essay next week, both because she did it well, and because she can learn more from the exercise.
She is away at her father's house at the moment. I have suggested she bring home some more tadpoles or froglets. So far she has two, and she has given one away to her friend (and a child of a dear friend of mine) Imroz. They have a lovely setup for the froglet, a huge tank and pebbles, and when I last saw the froglet it was hiding happily in it's new habitat.
There have been lots of upsets in my relationship with Stylish lately. Her grandmother (in the photos from my first blog entries) was paying for a counsellor to talk to Stylish, however that responsibility fell to her son upon her death, and he has not been paying. Thus she has not seen the counsellor in the last few weeks. Our relationship has been really difficult lately, and I don't know whether it's because I have short patience with the whinging and rudeness or whether it's her rudeness that is causing the friction. I suspect it is a combination of the two. I am about to further my research into NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION, as I believe that holds the key to our problem.