So how are we going?
Well Stylish is writing an amazing story about a snake adventure (will publish when it's finished)and she is coming along nicely with maths. She had some really basic problems, like subtraction with borrowing and paying back, and long multiplication so I gave her a couple of sheets last week and she bowled them over with out any trouble. I think it helped her confidence that she did so well. She self corrected, and the mistakes she made were simple numerical ones, not technical ones. Then we did a times tables test together for fun. She got three wrong (3, 4, and 5 times tables) out of 180! Quite a spectacular results. And she did them pretty fast too, which I know because we used a stop clock. I beat her by 1 mark, but I was faster. She seems keen to improve on the speed thing next week and she wants a re-match!
We have just bought a new and very cool camera so I'm hoping to get some great photos happening in the next little while. I took some of Stylish and Spikee playing in the front garden today but I haven't uploaded them yet. The new camera is a 10.2 mega-pixel, our old one was only 3 so the resolution is rather startling to us! We have given Ailis the old one so she can take photos of what ever she wants. We have also purchased a new mac book laptop, so the old pc is now hers! She's loving it.
Although she has been at home for six months she is still unwinding a bit from the nearly six years of institutional "learning". She still likes to operate from a list, but I am working on making the lists more and more about what we're just doing daily, and I'm concentrating on making the list both useful things for her to learn as well as things to bolster our upcoming re-registration.
I am leaning towards re-registration because it makes claiming educational costs from the government possible, and because I hear from several other families that as long as I can speak edubabble it's not all that difficult. I am a tad apprehensive of the fact that she is going into high-school next year, so the new rego will be for the beginning of year 7, and I suspect they will be a bit more stringent and painful about that. But I can't borrow trouble, I'll just have to wait and see.
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