Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the week so far

Today I made up the all important, highly anticipated maths test for Stylish. She got everything right except one question which I rubbed out and she tried again, so she fixed it. Now she's so excited coz she's never had 100% in a maths test - none of in this house have for that matter! We finally got around to chucking out the previous text book (well we still have it but ...) and buying a new one. She has completed three units in it already and spent the whole time screaming "MUM I DID IT" which was so wonderful to watch. When she had questions about certain things she googled them on the laptop at the table where she was sitting. So satisfying to see learning take place, SELF DRIVEN LEARNING!!!

We decided to go out for the afternoon and have a baby cino - or coffee - depending on personal taste. I gave Stylish free range of the butcher and asked her to choose some meat. She decided to get FISH instead which is a surprise coz she normally isn't that into fish. We have yet to see what she'll do with it but I'll be sure to update!

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